
Redshift Proxy Exporter plug-in for Cinema 4D

8 ratings

Redshift Proxy Exporter plug-in for Cinema 4D

8 ratings

This is a third-party plugin and not affiliated to Maxon Redshift!

This plug-in works just like the default Redshift Proxy File Exporter but it gives more options to export Redshift Proxy files out from Cinema 4D. Very helpful tool for professionals.

Version 1.0.0 (Updated 2023.04.21)
- Tested with Cinema 4D 2023.2.0
- Some icons refreshed

Version 0.0.3 (Updated 2021.02.28)
- Support for Cinema 4D R23-R25!
- Bug fixes

Version 0.0.2 (Updated 2021.02.21)
- File/folder path input field. Now you can export to network locations much easier. Creates missing folders automatically when you modify path string
- Option to export proxies without frame number suffix in file names.

Extra features:

- Export all or selected objects to separate files or animation sequences
- Option to create folders for objects
- Open export folder in explorer when exporting starts
- Monitor exporting process in status bar


Place Redshift Proxy Exporter plug-in to your appdata plug-in folder to make it work properly (avoid permission errors), since plug-in has to write and read the settings file.

If you close the dialog with "Close" button, the plug-in will remeber the last used settings, if you close it with the cross button, the plug-in does not save the settings.

Win: "C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\Cinema 4D R[VERSION]\plugins\"
Mac: "/Users/[USER]/Library/Preferences/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R[VERSION]/plugins"

Tested with:
- Cinema 4D R21
- Cinema 4D R23
- Cinema 4D R25
- Cinema 4D S26
- Cinema 4D 2023

Works with Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS!

You need Redshift Renderer Plug-In to use this extension!

Perpetual license, free updates forever!

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Perpetual license for RS Proxy Exporter plug-in for C4D

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